How COVID-19 Has Changed Education Forever

Victor Notaro
2 min readNov 4, 2021


Since the emergence of the covid-19 pandemics, our society has changed in some dramatic ways. The most important of these changes is in the field of education. The pandemic led to school closure for an extended period, which means that most children who would have had some level of education during this period had their schooling halted. To deal with this issue, many governments worldwide began to offer online courses to be taken on any device with internet access. Globally, COVID-19 has led to a re-emergence in digital learning.

The Change In Education

There is a shift from traditional classroom learning to digital learning. This shift has been called the ‘covid-19 effect’, which refers to the sudden growth in popularity of online education during this period. As a result, content creators have released massive amounts of content to cater to the rising demand for education. This massive influx of content has allowed users to learn from simple, well-designed ebooks and learn from online courses that are much more interactive and much more engaging compared with traditional classroom-based learning. This huge surge in online education has made many of our societies far more literate than they ever were before covid-19.

Benefits of Online Education

Online has led to a good user experience. Many content creators have released courses that offer a wide range of different media types. These courses include videos, webinars, and more advanced content such as interactive simulations and more complex animations. These courses can provide a far better learning experience than traditional classroom-based learning because they often include thorough explanations on the topic and extensive lab work that allows users to test what they have learned as opposed to merely memorizing it.

Challenges of Online Education

However, online learning has no challenges, such as limited internet connection, poor network, and even large prices. Students with unreliable internet connections will not be able to connect with their teachers, which can be very demotivating. A poor network can create interruption during online speech or video speech. These problems usually occur in developing countries. However, some services provide full support for people with poor internet connections so that everyone can learn anytime, anywhere. For this reason, online learning is more popular than traditional classroom-based learning.

The future of learning is here, and it is moving across boundaries that once seemed insurmountable. Based on current trends, it is expected that most students in the world will have some form of a digital learning component to their curriculum.

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Victor Notaro

Victor Notaro is a corporate and commercial #banking professional. He has over 20 years of #financial services experience. #Pittsburgh